Western Canadian Animal Health Network News

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Three presumptive cases of avian influenza in Colorado egg layer workers 15th July 2024

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, in coordination with the Colorado Department of Agriculture and State Emergency Operations Center, has identified 3 presumptive positive cases of avian influenza in workers responding to the avian flu outbreak at a commercial egg layer operation. CDPHE's State Public
Health Laboratory sent the specimens generating the preliminary results to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for confirmatory testing. The workers were culling poultry at a farm in northeast Colorado and exhibited mild symptoms, including conjunctivitis (pink eye) and common respiratory infection symptoms.
None of the individuals were hospitalized.

State public health officials have collected additional samples from symptomatic workers, which will be tested this weekend. State epidemiologists suspect the poultry workers' cases are a result of working directly with infected poultry. The investigation is ongoing with support from CDC. On 3 Jul 2024, CDPHE identified a case of avian
flu in a Colorado dairy worker.

It is safe to eat properly handled and cooked poultry products. The proper handling and cooking of poultry, meat, and eggs kills bacteria and viruses, including avian flu viruses.