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SHIC Domestic Report May 2023

This month’s Domestic Swine Disease Monitoring Report brings information about the increased detection of PRRSV in the states of Ohio and Kansas. Regarding PRRSV ORF sequence, Missouri continues to have high PRRSV Lineage 1C variant detections (313 sequences assigned as L1C variant in 2023). For enteric coronaviruses, PDCoV positivity continues above the expected for the second consecutive month, with 60% of the positive cases coming from the wean-to-market category while PEDV had an increased percentage of positive in South Dakota, Missouri, Nebraska, and North Carolina. Regarding PCV2, the percentage of positive submissions from adult/sow farms is still high at 50% (309 of 618). Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae had a moderate increase in the percentage of positive submissions from the wean-to-market category. Lastly, in the confirmed tissue diagnosis, there were spikes for an increased number of digestive cases from the end of March through the first week of April. In the podcast, the SDRS hosts talk with Dr. Amy Maschhoff about Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, describing tips and pitfalls for eliminating this pathogen from a large production system.