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2022 H5N1 isolate replicates better in human respiratory epithelium vs 2005 isolates

We compared level of adaptation to human respiratory tract of a HPAI H5N1 clade (H5N12022) virus with those of well characterized HPAI H5N1 clade  (H5N12005) and seasonal H3N22003 viruses by three methods. First, we compared pattern of virus attachment by virus histochemistry. Second, we compared efficiency of infection and replication, as well as innate immune responses in human respiratory epithelium in vitro. Lastly, we compared polymerase complex activity in a minigenome assay. 

Findings: The H5N12022 virus attached more abundantly to and replicated more efficiently in cells 65 of the human respiratory tract compared to H5N12005 and H3N2viruses.